TechSolutions Bits and Bytes
By Dan Ayars, Business Development Manager, TechSolutions I wanted to take the time to catch everyone up on some of the non-tech things we’ve been up to here at TechSolutions. Improvising on the fly for a great cause For the fifth year in a row several members of the TechSolutions staff, along with family and […]
TechSolutions Bits and Bytes
By Dan Ayars, Business Development Manager, TechSolutions I wanted to take the time and step back from technology this month and give you an update on some of the things we have been up to in the community and business world. Halloween party at the Emmanuel Dining Room West Each year the First State Chapter […]
TSI Bits & Bytes
By Dan Ayars, Marketing Coordinator, TechSolutions Good for Mary, good for you, good for us I am delighted to let you know that our Office Administrator, Mary Morris has been promoted to the recently created position of Service Manager and will be transitioning into the role over the next several weeks. The position is quite […]