Protect your Facebook and Twitter from hackers

Popular social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter have been suffering massive data breaches for a number of years now. If you wish to continue using these services, you need to tighten your social media privacy settings. Here are a few reminders and tips to help you secure your personal information on social media. Lock […]

Don’t give social media hackers a chance

Pranksters, malicious attackers, extremists — hackers come in different forms, but they all have one thing in mind: compromising your online privacy and security. Some of them specialize in hacking social media, but don’t fret; there are several things you can do to protect your Facebook or Twitter account. Lockscreens exist for a reason Make […]

The importance of strong iPhone passcodes

Now is the right time to shift to a stronger passcode for iPhone users, with police departments, federal agencies, and possible criminals, lining up to buy technology that can bypass your phone’s security. Experts say technology for unlocking iPhones is very much in circulation, so here’s everything you need to know. The problem According to […]

6 useful new features coming to iOS 10

Non-techie Apple iPhone lovers relish in the magic hour ensuing a beta’s release. Those of us in the industry break down every minute detail and flock to our digital soapboxes to proclaim what we usually deem apocalyptic news. The sun is setting on Apple’s iOS 10 magic hour, and we’re here to pass judgement for […]