Ensure the privacy of iPhone text messages

If you’re a business owner who is constantly on the go, you may have become too comfortable texting confidential information using your iPhone. Thankfully, getting back on track is easy. Here are three iPhone privacy settings that will give you an added layer of comfort and security. Turn off message previews How many times per […]
Get more life out of your iPhone battery
You’re on the go today – out of the office, out of the house, and attending a business event. Everything is going fine and dandy until you look down at your phone to see your worst nightmare come true. Your iPhone is at 25 percent battery life. Before you panic, know that the answer to […]
The importance of strong iPhone passcodes
Now is the right time to shift to a stronger passcode for iPhone users, with police departments, federal agencies, and possible criminals, lining up to buy technology that can bypass your phone’s security. Experts say technology for unlocking iPhones is very much in circulation, so here’s everything you need to know. The problem According to […]
Why you should download iOS 10.1 ASAP
When it comes to your smartphone, especially if you have an iPhone, there is rarely a month or a season that goes by without a new software update available for you to download. Foregoing the updates is tempting, especially when you are busy and just need to be on your phone. However, these updates are […]
6 useful new features coming to iOS 10
Non-techie Apple iPhone lovers relish in the magic hour ensuing a beta’s release. Those of us in the industry break down every minute detail and flock to our digital soapboxes to proclaim what we usually deem apocalyptic news. The sun is setting on Apple’s iOS 10 magic hour, and we’re here to pass judgement for […]
This app is slowing down your Android
Most of us know that apps can drain battery and slow down your phone. But what if there was a single app that was sucking 20% of your battery, and potentially slowing its speed by 15%. For Android phone users, this looks to be the case. And unfortunately for all those social medial lovers out […]
Should you upgrade to iOS 9? Read this first
Apple’s iOS 9 has been available for download for nearly two months now. If you have yet to upgrade, you may wonder whether or not you should. Not everyone has been happy with the new OS, and Apple is still working out the kinks. So if you’re on the fence as to whether or not […]