A primer on watering hole attacks

Cyberattacks come in many different forms, with new methods being developed all the time. What’s bad is that personal information is now often stored online, be it through social media or through government and healthcare services — and these are juicy targets for criminals. Learn more about one way these criminals steal data — through […]

Tips for safeguarding business data

You can’t afford to lose business data. It takes away the trust of your clients, leading to loss of revenue. Cybercriminals are here to stay, so it’s more important than ever to utilize tight security measures to keep your business data safe. Still, some hackers may have advanced cracking skills, or are really determined to […]

Beware of watering hole attacks!

Hackers have plenty of ways to breach your systems. They can use complex programs to exploit software bugs, send emails to dupe you into downloading malware, or insert a malware-infected USB drive directly into your computer. However, another increasingly popular hacking method is a watering hole attack. What are watering hole attacks? Much like phishing, […]

Windows 10 updates for Fall 2017

Windows 10’s Fall Creators Update is the next major update that Microsoft will roll out in September. Besides reusing the same “Creators Update” name and focusing on bringing the Windows experience to iOS and Android devices, here are some noteworthy features users can expect. Timeline It’s designed to grant Windows 10 users freedom to switch […]

Outlook update enhances user experience

As far as communication goes, there are numerous factors to consider, especially when that communication is done online rather than in person. Since its inception, Microsoft Outlook has always been an excellent communication tool. And now, with its recent update, it can do an even better job at helping people communicate with one another quickly […]

Fantom: the latest cybersecurity spectre

It’s hard to deny how quickly the different types of ransomware multiply — they do so faster than rabbits during mating season. Ransomware vary in appearance, subtlety, and targets. The latest addition to the extensive list of ransomware varieties is Fantom. This cybersecurity nightmare adopts a facade that many would have no qualms trusting. Like […]

6 useful new features coming to iOS 10

Non-techie Apple iPhone lovers relish in the magic hour ensuing a beta’s release. Those of us in the industry break down every minute detail and flock to our digital soapboxes to proclaim what we usually deem apocalyptic news. The sun is setting on Apple’s iOS 10 magic hour, and we’re here to pass judgement for […]

Android plans to add exciting new core features

Google has announced another batch of features coming to your Android phone, possibly as soon as next month. Although some of the items are simple and subtle integrations and others are far more grandiose, they’re all going to drastically improve the performance of your phone. Since some people view their mobile device as something akin […]

Should you upgrade to iOS 9? Read this first

Apple’s iOS 9 has been available for download for nearly two months now. If you have yet to upgrade, you may wonder whether or not you should. Not everyone has been happy with the new OS, and Apple is still working out the kinks. So if you’re on the fence as to whether or not […]