At the start of March, our President, Rick Monnig, and Vice President, Rich Kenney, attended Right of Boom, a cybersecurity conference held in Las Vegas. This conference is named for the steps and events that occur AFTER a cyber incident has been discovered (Boom being the incident, Right being the aftermath, Left being the preparation and prevention steps).  The conference covered best practices and new techniques for both right and left of boom on the cybersecurity timeline.

Over the course of the week, they spent time in sessions discussing how businesses can deal with the aftermath of a cyberattack in more effective ways and why it is crucial to create an Incident Response Plan to be prepared for the cleanup that happens after an attack. They also spent time focusing on current strategies for preventing and detecting attacks, as well as watching live demos of techniques that hackers are now using to access and steal data.  

Attending conferences such as Right of Boom allows us to broaden our understanding in the field and collaborate with like-minded MSPs, ultimately enhancing our ability to serve our clients.
