Why Co-Managed IT Services Helps Companies with Internal IT Teams

“Leverage” meant something different before Wall Street started using the term. In Physics, the term is about gaining an advantage by using a lever of sorts. A lever, in turn, is used to make the act of moving something much easier. In other words, using a lever to increase your leverage on something makes your job easier. In this way, TechSolutions is expanding our business model by introducing Co-Managed IT Services for mid-sized companies with an existing in-house IT team. We are using physics to demonstrate that we can give organizations an advantage by acting as a lever for their in-house IT team.

The pandemic has basically changed everything, especially in terms of IT. We all need to consider how our computer systems have become so important in sustaining our business and our customer relationships. We used to conduct onsite, face-to-face meetings on a very regular basis. Now, all of that happens with technology such as Zoom, Teams, and WebEx. Today, your staff is using their computers like never before. They log more hours in front of their devices than they used to, and they accomplish more varying tasks using them than they used to. The caveat, however, is that cybercrime has gone from that thing you hear about on the evening news occasionally, to a daily threat for businesses of all sizes. We should be looking for new ways to support and protect our computer users.

In this case, physics can help show us how to do more work more effectively and efficiently. Just a few years ago, business owners and COOs had two options for keeping their computers safely operating – 1) hire an internal team of computer experts, or 2) outsource the task to an IT vendor. There is now a third option. We call it Co-Managed IT and Cybersecurity Services.

In physics, it’s called leverage: the action of a rigid bar that pivots about one point and is used to move an object at a second point by a force applied at a third point. Applied to our Post-Pandemic world for a mid-sized company with an internal IT team, it sounds like this … A new way of working that pivots from the past by combining the skills and tools of the professional Managed IT Services firm with the proximity of the Internal IT team. Together, they can do more, handle more workload, and upgrade Cybersecurity services with less time wasted. The two groups working together simply provide better IT support and protections for the staff … and, it’s more efficient than expanding the internal IT team.

The sheer quantity of required learning and knowledge growth of the internal IT resources to become expertly skilled in adapting to the cybersecurity challenges of today is astronomical. Responding to the challenges requires more knowledge, more processes, more skills, and more understanding of new software applications and new hardware. For some organizations, the best value is combining internal IT resources with the skills and software management tools that TechSolutions has to offer. This approach gives the owners who depend on internal IT support a better way to get more work done with better tools for less effort.

Coming out of the pandemic, we should all be considering new options for delivering value to our clients, our prospects, and our staff. We are not suggesting you add an in-house IT department. However, if one of your associates who works at an organization with an internal IT firm mentions it, we would appreciate you referring us. If you are networking and you learn of a company with troubles surrounding their internal IT staff … let us know. We are working differently, and we might be able to help certain companies in a new way.

Physics simply reminds all of us that we need to keep looking for innovative ways to provide more work for less effort. If you know of a company that could benefit from this new hybrid approach, let us know. We would appreciate it very much.
